
Legal Technology Career & Hiring Tips
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2022 IT Salary Guide for blog
ESP Legal Releases 2022 Technology Salary Guide
Our 2022 Technology & Litigation/eDiscovery Salary Guide presents data gathered and analyzed from law firms ranging from small and mid-sized law firms with a handful of legal technology professionals...
LinkedIn blog featured image
3 Easy Ways to Optimize your LinkedIn Profile
It’s always a good time to dust off an old hobby, set new goals, and refresh your online image. Follow our LinkedIn profile recommendations, and you could find yourself in an exciting new legal technology...
5 Strategies for Creating a Superior Technical Resume Blog
5 Strategies for Creating a Superior Technical Resume
You’ve got six seconds to make an impression with your resume. How can you possibly show how great you are in so little time? Good question. The trick to impressing a hiring manager or recruiter in just...
empty seat 3
The Hidden Costs of an Empty Legal Technology Seat
It’s no secret that most decisions come with a cost. So it might not be a surprise that there are hidden costs of an empty legal technology seat while you search for the perfect hire. The process of hiring...
career goals
Follow This Advice to Advance Your Legal Technology Career
If you’re a legal information technologist or e-Discovery professional looking to succeed in your current role, to get a promotion or pay raise, or to find a job with more opportunity, read on for our...
ESP Legal Releases 2022 Technology Salary Guide
Our 2022 Technology & Litigation/eDiscovery Salary Guide presents data gathered and analyzed from law firms ranging from small and mid-sized...
3 Easy Ways to Optimize your LinkedIn Profile
It’s always a good time to dust off an old hobby, set new goals, and refresh your online image. Follow our LinkedIn profile recommendations, and...
5 Strategies for Creating a Superior Technical Resume
You’ve got six seconds to make an impression with your resume. How can you possibly show how great you are in so little time? Good question. The trick...
The Hidden Costs of an Empty Legal Technology Seat
It’s no secret that most decisions come with a cost. So it might not be a surprise that there are hidden costs of an empty legal technology seat while...
Follow This Advice to Advance Your Legal Technology Career
If you’re a legal information technologist or e-Discovery professional looking to succeed in your current role, to get a promotion or pay raise, or to...